Why You Really Should Sell Your Old Stuff
This may be obvious to a lot of people, but we really should sell our old consumer goods. They depreciate and are designed to be outdated fairly quickly. If you haven’t been using something for years or don’t plan to use it for a long time, you’re better off to sell a consumer good to get as much money as you can for it now that you could then make more money within that time. The example I make up is if you bought something for $150 then sell it later for $100. With that $100 in the few years you might not have used the item, you could invest it and make a profit and possibly end up with $200. By also in that time the item will likely have gone down in value and say maybe it’s $50 for a used one and you buy it back. You now have your original investment and the item you wanted.
Let me know what you think about this. I recently made a little over a thousand dollars selling off my old stuff. Try auditing your consumer goods and see if you can make some money too.